“I am aware of and understand the conditions of use for vehicles registered under the Queensland Special Interest Vehicle Registration scheme. I agree that the Impromptu Club Run I will be attending falls within the Queensland Special Interest Vehicle Registration Guidelines. I indemnify the Queensland Volvo & Saab Club Inc. from any Loss or liability or claim that may occur as part of my attendance in the above Impromptu Club Run.”
This concession is based on the vehicle having a very strict and limited road use which is reflected in the reduced fees and compulsory third party insurance premium. This is a privilege which comes with legal obligations.
The registered owner must comply with the conditions when using their vehicle, and ensure that anyone driving the vehicle is also familiar with these conditions.
These conditions are:
Club Membership
Evidence of current membership with a Queensland incorporated vehicle Club must be provided on Club letterhead, or official Club documentation, at the time of application for a concession. It must be signed by a Club official and include the vehicle’s details. It is a requirement that you keep your Club membership current at all times. If your membership lapses, you are required to notify TMR within 14 days.
Adhere to Restricted Use Criteria
To remain eligible for the SIV concession, the use of SIV registered vehicles is restricted to the following:
• Participating in rallies or events (including impromptu events) as organised or authorised by Sunshine State Volvo Club All rallies and events must be listed on their website or social media page.
• Exhibiting the vehicle in displays, fetes or similar functions conducted for religious, charitable or educational purposes.
• Use for ceremonial purposes (such as weddings, formals, funerals) involving immediate family members or as part of a sanctioned Club event, provided this is not done for a fee or reward. Preparing for, proceeding to, and returning from these activities.
• Travel in order to have the vehicle repaired/inspected is allowed. There is no distance restriction, however, such travel must be reasonable and justifiable by the vehicle operator.
• Road testing within a 15km radius from the place where the vehicle is garaged or is being repaired.
• A Special Interest Vehicle must NOT be used for General purposes – for example, to commute to and from the registered owner’s place of employment, running down to the shops and other forms of everyday vehicle use.
Retain Ownership of the Vehicle
Advise the TMR if and when you dispose of the vehicle. Please also advise the Club immediately so that they can adjust your records accordingly.